
What does altium designer cost
What does altium designer cost

At this moment in our country (and I exaggerate a little bit not much) students can choose a technical study which takes more then 5 years while it should be done in 4 (but the level is so high only 10% makes it in 4 years or so) and then get paid half of when they study for a MBA like study and finish that without problems in 4 years. start rant Personally I think the best thing for a country is that excellent engineers are paid more then their average managers and that society seeing them driving fancy cars and having a luxury live might finally bring more students for the technical education. But even then as mentioned in an other topic, the newly hired foreigners are lowering the overall salaries because there is more supply. Getting knowledge immigrants might be a short term answer but not a long term one unless they can stay and integrate 100%. The same is going on here but the saddest thing (i think personally) is that our countries can not find the right PhD students from our midst but that after they graduate their masters (or some unfortunately even before that) they start working in the industry. I'll dare to say that Universities are the best assets for any country, if you can keep them after they graduate.

What does altium designer cost